Aug 26, 2020The War on Poverty during COVID-19: 3 Strategies for Governments to UseFrancois Gerard, Clement Imbert and Kate Orkin recommend that developing nations provide social protection to their most vulnerable...
Jul 18, 2020Messaging Can Help Fight COVID-19: Evidence from an RCT by Esther Duflo and Abhijit BanerjeeThere is new evidence, from West Bengal, that messaging by celebrities can act as a ‘nudge’ to help in prevention and early diagnosis of...
Jul 14, 2020Indian States Are Going Under. What Does This Mean For Us? M. Govinda Rao and Arjun Srinivas each examine the precarious financial situation of Indian states and the implications of this. Here are...
Jul 6, 2020It's Time to Talk About Healthcare Indian Policy Collective is announcing a series aimed at collating facts, figures and policy recommendations to inform the public health...